Load... was selected. Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Data+Formats Loaded: C:\Documents and Settings\dapolley\Desktop\sci2-full-sample-data\sampledata\scientometrics\nsf\MedicalAndHealth.nsf .......... Extract Directed Network was selected. Author(s): Timothy Kelley Implementer(s): Timothy Kelley Integrator(s): Timothy Kelley Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Extract+Directed+Network Input Parameters: Source Column: NSF Organization Text Delimiter: | Target Column: Program(s) Aggregate Function File: C:/Documents and Settings/dapolley/Desktop/sci2-N- .......... Node Indegree was selected. Implementer(s): Timothy Kelley Integrator(s): Timothy Kelley Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Node+Indegree .......... Node Outdegree was selected. Implementer(s): Timothy Kelley Integrator(s): Timothy Kelley Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Node+Outdegree .......... GUESS was selected. Author(s): Eytan Adar Implementer(s): Eytan Adar (GUESS), Russell Duhon (resizeLinear, colorize fix) Integrator(s): Russell Duhon Reference: Adar, Eytan, "GUESS: A Language and Interface for Graph Exploration," CHI 2006 (http://graphexploration.cond.org/) Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/GUESS ECHO is off. Starting GUESS... ECHO is off. The initial layout for your visualization is random. For a clearer visualization, please run a layout from the Layout menu. (We recommend GEM.) ECHO is off.